A highly underrated Western, a lot of critics killed it before it had time to grow (now, what/who does that remind you of?) some said that it was over long, others commented on the mysterious permanence of Ms. Benning's lipstick, the usual superficial stuff, there is also a tendancy amongst American critics in particular, to belittle Kevin Costner, i've never been sure why, in "Dances with Wolves" he made one of the all time great Westerns,
I thought "Open Range" it was beautiful, I think Costner is always watchable and Robert Duvall is the best actor of his generation, witness "Lonesome Dove" I felt that the views expressed by the characters in the film rang true, Duvall just ozzed authenticity and his take on life's events was quite right, they should not have "killed the dog" shades of "Lonesome Dove" there regarding the non abidence of surly barkeeps!! Well, after all, A mans gotta do ect.
I haven’t seen Open Range yet, but EVERYONE I know that has is telling me how good it was and to see it. As soon as I get a chance to rent a movie that one is definitely on my list of movies to see.
Now what do you both think of the movie Tombstone? I know it’s not historically accurate and a little silly in some parts, but it’s still one of my all time favorites. As for who portrayed Wyatt Earp the best, would you say Kevin Costner (Wyatt Earp) or Kurt Russell (Tombstone)? I have to go with Russell.
~ Marcelle Brothers, Webmaster of About Billy the Kid & Forum Administrator ~
I loved "Open Range", particularly when I saw it on the big screen. I agree with the assessment that Robert Duvall is one of the best actors in my lifetime.
I liked "Tombstone" alot too. I think most movies that are made about real life events are going to have some inaccuracies but as long you understand that going in and don't take it as bible then they can still be enjoyable.
As for who portrayed the best Wyatt Earp, I would also have to go with Kurt Russell. I think he did a nice job with it, plus I think he looked alot like Earp.
I also thought that Val Kilmer was just great in "Tombstone" as Doc Holliday!
The best Wyatt for me is Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell is a fine actor also and Tombstone is a firecracker of a movie and great fun, but Costner's Earp just shades it. The question for me would be, who played the best Doc? Two brilliant performances I think, but I would plump for Val Kilmer, if only for the "tin cup" twirling scene, i'll be your Huckleberry!
I think Duvall is a great actor and his performance in "Lonesome Dove" was absolutely great. "Lonesome Dove" is still one of my favorite Westerns.
"Tombstone" has and is one of my all-time favorite movies. Although Kevin Costner (Mr. Good-Lookin') did an excellant job in "Wyatt Earp" I think Kurt Russell (also not bad to look at) did the best performance of Wyatt Earp, although I liked Burt Lancaster's Wyatt Earp.
But, Val Kilmer get's the award for best Doc Holliday. I always said he should have gotten a Oscar for that performance.
I see no need to disagree with any of what you have said, I got the boxed set of "Lonesome Dove" recently, I have fallen head over heels with "Streets of Laredo" and am now engaged to "Dead Man's Walk", with a view to marriage. James Garner is a one off. They don't make 'em like that anymore, that's for sure.
So, if Mr. Costner is Mr. Good Look'in and Kurt Russell is also "not bad to look at" how does it follow that you love Billy so much, in the only photograph agreed to be authentic, he ain't exactly handsome! ha ha!
Well, if anyone had a rod up their back and neck to hold them still for a long camara exposure, you wouldn’t have a very pleasant expression either. As I said on my Fact vs. Myth web page regarding Billy the Kid looks:
Myth: Billy the Kid was short, chubby and ugly.
Fact: Here is an unbiased statement from a reporter of the Las Vegas Gazette: “He is about five feet eight or nine inches tall, slightly built and lithe, weighing about 140; a frank, open countenance, looking like a school boy, with the traditional silky fuzz on his upper lip; clear blue eyes, with a roguish snap about them; light hair and complexion. He is, in all, quite a handsome looking fellow, the only imperfection being two prominent front teeth slightly protruding like squirrel’s teeth, and he has agreeable and winning ways.” LasVegas Gazette, December 27, 1881
“I never liked the picture. I don’t think it does Billy justice.” Paulita Maxwell on Billy the Kid’s only authentic photograph.
So if Billy the Kid was as butt-ugly as some say, why did he have so many female admirers and every description said about him (whether by man or woman) all say he was a "fine looking lad" or "handsome with boyish good looks." As historian Drew Gomber, of the Hubbard Museum, once said, "We shouldn't judge him by that photo of him, because everyone who knew him said it was a bad photo and it's essentially like judging someone by their driver's license photo."
~ Marcelle Brothers, Webmaster of About Billy the Kid & Forum Administrator ~
Open Range was GREAT!! SO was Lonesome Dove (Ricky Schroder was AWESOME) The Streets of Laredo was also great!! Has anyone ever seen Return to Lonsome Dove?? I didn't....it didn't seem like it would be very good....
I liked both Tombstone and Wyatt Earp. I liked K. Russell as Wyatt and Val as Doc, but I think that Dennis Quaid probably played a more realistic Doc. I've read that Doc was a very agressive man, and Val's Doc was kind of laid back. If you watch Wyatt Earp, check out the scene as the Earps and Doc are on their way to the OK Corral. Watch the look on Doc's face. That is how I envision Doc. Both movies get me fired up!!!
quote: Originally posted by: Webmaster "Yeah, we ladies are just as defensive of our Billy as they were over 120 years ago. No doubt Billy would be pleased. "
Yes, Billy I am acertain would be Pleased, but I think there would still be just one woman in his Heart, the one that bore him his Son, Abrana.
Open Range was a good one, but I am confused...I thought that movie was filmed in New Mexico...in fact I am almost sure, but if you take a look at the credits, it lists Canada as the filming location. Anyone know anything about that or did I just mistakenly hear Open Range was filmed in New Mexico?
As for Wyatt Earp... for me Russell played the better Wyatt, but the Keving Costner Wyatt Earp story line was a little easier to take. Don't get me wrong, I loved Tombstone, but it was a little hollywoodsy, if you know what I mean?
Any of you seen "The Missing" with Tommy Lee Jones? I absolutely loved that movie and from what I hear, it was a pretty accurate depiction of 1880's New Mexico.
I also seen Cold Mountain, which is awesome as well. I'm not usually a big fan of Nicole Kidman, but she did an excellent job in this movie.
Yes, filmed in Aberta, near Calgary apparently, Having never set foot in the "New World" I had always thought that "New Mexico" had very little rich pastureland, in fact I always had the impression that it was all wind and dust!
I have not yet seen "The Missing" I await with great anticipation! It is based on the Novel "The Last Ride" by Thomas Edison, perhaps the best "Western" writer that i've ever read (Larry McMurtry may be the exception) Keep an eye out for another novel of his "St. Agnes' Ride" quite a superb read. It is being considered by Speilberg & Scorsese by all accounts.
Cold Mountain, I found to be quite the most beautiful "Western" that I have seen in a very long time, there is so much in it, so many threads, if anybody here ain't saw it, git out and do so!!
My fav. for Wyatt Earp would have to be Kurt Russell. Though Kevin Cosner was also very good. I loved Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.( I love Val Kilmer period) Oh my gosh I just looked back @ my last 2 posts & Im in love with a bunch of western movie stars lol
I saw "The Missing" and thought it was an awesome movie. I read or heard it was Ron Howard's take on the movie "The Searchers" with John Wayne .
I recently saw "Cold Mountain" and although the battle scenes were great, and Renee Zellewegeer did an upstanding performance, I thought the movie was VERY VERY wanting in some aspects. They should have cut some parts out, and let Jude Law live in the end. I mean she waits 4 years and he dies in the end?! Personally, I liked "Gone With The Wind" better.
I love Open Range I think it was the best movie of 2003 and so far in the top five of 2000 movies. A big reason why I liked it so much I think was it was original and that we don't see too many westerns anymore. I think from the 90's to the present time Costner's the man of the west. This is his 4th western and he actually will be shooting another (he'll direct,star,produce) they'll be shooting it in Utah, it'll be a big western epic that's shot entirely outdoors and features Indians. It'll be like 3hr.s plus.
Back to Open Range, Costner's my fav director, actor in this genre. This was a simple story told at 139 min. any other director would have narrowed it to 1 hr. 25 min. Open Range will be forgotten in time, if its not already? It made $58 million at the box. Anyway I loved this film it was like a 40's studio western. Costner never will do one quite like this. He hasn't before either.
10/10 for the movie. If you really like it you can view like 500 dvd images over at the fanlistning, check it out: