Marcelle, You have 8 or 13 or so links to different parts of this website on your homepage, would it be possible to have the various Shortcuts "light up" in another colour,when a new post/ mail is received? Even if it only saves me going in and out all the time, like a wee yoyo
I don't quite understand what you mean. Are you asking that when a web page is updated or revised you would like something to make you aware of it? Or after clicking on a page, it doesn't give an indication that you already entered that page. It should be "black" when you haven't clicked on that link yet and "purple" after you have entered. So I'm not sure what you mean.
~ Marcelle Brothers, Webmaster of About Billy the Kid & Forum Administrator ~
What I meant to say was, how would I know if for instance if a new "Map" had been added or if there was a new entry in "Miscellaneous" but I suppose the Bulletin Board could be used for that. What brought it to mind is A Dylan site that I belong to which shows how many new items/posts in each category there have been since I last logged on.
Okay, I see now. Before I use to post a "Updated" or "New" icon near the web page, but the way the list of web pages are arranged those icons would screw up the appearance and end up spacing apart my web pages making things look uneven. So instead I would post an announce on the homepage (just below the list) in red lettering on which pages have been updated or what's new on my site. Well, I didn't like cluttering up my homepage, so this month I tried something different and posted that info on my bulletin board and announced it on this forum. If that doesn't work, I'll tried to come up with something else.
~ Marcelle Brothers, Webmaster of About Billy the Kid & Forum Administrator ~